Xin City

The tales here follow no chronology. They're encounters and stories of fillers and fuck buddies... They're about prowling courtesans and pick-up prodigies. Sometimes it time-locks scores and even tragedies…

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The (Controversial) One Night Stand Part II

And then there were 4. Mr. Oohlala, Bix, Mr. Rock Sugar and me.

Back at Mr. Oohlala and Rock Sugar’s place. - It was the penthouse of some condominium. Nicely done, I say. – our drinks were refilled and round 2 of drinking started… the boys were slowing down somewhat, probably because they had more important things at hand – come on, we all know, nursing that hard-on after drinks means no more nursing that whiskey. So there we were, drinking, Bix and Mr. Oohlala on a nice big bed and us on a couch. All eyes on the plasma TV, so we think. Bix was decently drunk. By that I mean sober enough to predict the chain of events that might follow, but drunk enough to let it happen. And I was thinking if Rock Sugar’s arms were bigger than my thighs.

Mr. oohlala was a bloody octopus. Roving hands that knew no boundaries on Bix’s porcelain skin. She let out a little yelp, a little giggle and snuffed it with a soft moan. Rock sugar and I turned our heads to each other and let out a cheeky smile… We had already done the mandatory introductions and hurled the necessary insults and taunts at each other. All our amateur pick-up tricks had been successful and it was time to shed the civil banter and get a little wicked.

So we kissed… A long, hard, hungry kiss.

I like alcohol. It has always been more of an ally than an adversary. it dissolves my inhibitions and absolves me of all blame. Like a true friend… I… like… alcohol... Did I say that already? Because by now, rock sugar had already gone past my lips, my neck, my shoulders, had most of my clothes expertly peeled off… and was heading for a home run. bix and mr. oohlala were just two metres away… but it didn’t matter… I was miles away.

Not enough alcohol.

Cos I sat up, held him by his shoulders and gave a light jerk. He looked at me, half-dazed… and with my half closed eyes, I gave a very debatable shake of the head. His eyes reflected a remarkable understanding of my shoulder-jerk, but his actions spoke otherwise… the home run was thwarted, but that didn’t stop him diving south. I threw my head back, clamped my eyes shut, arched my back and was further away than ever.

But I sat up again. Panting. The fact that I was about to be an exhibitionist was the least of my concerns. It’s the thought of having to face Bix the next day that jolted me. But that’s not why I’m panting. *wink* Anyway, as if sensing my signals once again. He picked me up (easily with one hand) and carried me into his room. This guy can kiss... I was in for a proper treat.

When we got to his room, there was a renewed sense of sobriety. Fearing it will affect us dramatically, he quickly put on some tunes. Still, kissing him had a dizzying effect on me, so we started from square one anyways… and something in me snapped. And I said “I can’t” he pressed his forehead on mine, trying to study me. See if all I needed was a proper forced fucking or if I meant that. When he spoke, his breath fell on my face and I actually liked the cigarette-laced dry breath.

Him: “Are you fucking serious? What, you got a boyfriend?”
Me: “no… I don’t”
Him: “you know, I would force myself on you anyway”

I looked at him nervously and he smiled

Him: “just kidding, what do you think I am, some horny horseshit? Hey, if you don’t want to, you don’t want to, it’s cool.”
Me: “it’s just (long ass pause) I’ve…. never had…. a one night stand” I finally blurted (told you this was in 2003. my sex life has since changed very much, not to worry.)
Him: “we’ll do it a few times. Spread it over two nights”
We both laugh…

*pregnant pause*

Him: “wanna smoke?”
Me: “yeah, I got my own”
Him: “no sugar… in my place, we smoke something else” and he takes out a survivor kit
Me: always a fast learner “ohh…”
Him: “bet you’ve never done this too Ms. One-Night-Stand Virgin…”

He taught me a life skill that night - how to roll a tight, fat joint. and we spent the whole night… you got it… talking. Unfuckingbelievable. It’s one of my best nights ever, really.

Postscript: If you must know, the author actually dated Rock Sugar for a few months after that. he was her supplier and she was his junkie. it was truly months of drugs, sex, and rock n roll. they split up for a very good reason - she needed a change. He has since re-located under her egging-on and raking in the chips across the causeway. They remain friends - with benefits. He visits checks in on her every 6 months or so and the relationship has been kept purely sexual and chemical.


Blogger sÞ¡ηηєє said...

sex is not the only thing that's enjoyable. ;)

2:31 AM  

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